Budget Estimator
The $2.6M Impact of Indeed Hiring Events Budget Estimator
Indeed Background Checks
What was this?
This was a “budget estimator tool” for sales reps to use while pitching hiring events to their potential clients.
The Problem
The sales team could not propose a hiring event budget to a client without consulting their NPS rep. The turn around time to get a proposed budget could be up to 1 day after the sales rep had spoken with the potential client. This delay in turnaround was preventing our sales team from being able to pitch, price, and close deals quickly.
Our Solution
We built a “budget estimator tool” that calculated the cost of a hiring event based on job title, location, and desired number of hires. Enabling the sales team to generate budget proposals during client conversations without needing NPS supervision.
The Budget Estimator enabled quicker turnaround times for proposed prices and streamlined the rollout of Indeed Hiring Events as a sellable product to the rest of the sales org. Resulting in approximately $2.6 million in revenue the quarter it was released.
Budget Estimator Designs
The budget estimation factored in the types of roles a client was looking to hire for, where the roles would be, and how many people they were hoping to hire. The tool would let the sales rep know if they should recommend more or less attendees and allowed them to view the detailed calculations if needed. When a budget was agreed upon, the sales rep could instantly generate an IO and then send the self-service client intake form to the client.
Automating this step signified the last hurdle for Indeed Hiring Events’ global expansion. Coupled with the self-service client intake form, it facilitated rapid training and deployment across the sales organization, generating $2.6 million in revenue the quarter it was released. This propelled the continued growth of Indeed Hiring Events, eventually leading it to become the third highest revenue-generating product at Indeed.
Project Details
The Team
- 1 UX - myself
- 1 Product Manager
- 1 full-time Engineer
- 1 to 2 rotating Engineers
1 week - to design
2 weeks - to develop
1 month - to roll out and train entire sales org.