IntroductionDesignsOutcomesTeam & Timeline

Indeed Start

Helping Case Workers and their barriered job seekers

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Idea to Launch

Indeed Start

What was this?

Indeed Start was a project intended for use by case managers of nonprofits that serve to help job seekers with barriers get jobs. This was one of several social impact focused experiments run by my team - Incubator - with the goal of helping job seekers with barriers get jobs.

Our Question

How can we help case managers, the individuals on the front lines, help job seekers with barriers get jobs?

Our Solution

Allow employers posting new jobs to specify if they are open to applicants with one of our top 8 barriers and filter those jobs on a unique job search page focused at case managers.


Our biggest challenge was measuring interviews and hires. Were I to tackle a project like this again, knowing what I know now, I would have pushed for us to focus on nailing measuring interviews of chasing both interviews and hires, because of our split attention, we never developed a strong solution to measure either metric.

Case Manager Flow

Image CaseManager_Flow.png

Indeed Start Designs

By the time our efforts concluded on Indeed Start, we had a full system that allowed for the management of organizations (a group of case managers) and clients (job seekers assigned to case managers), as well as a curated job listing page that allowed case managers to share jobs with their clients and supporting communication for both case managers, admins, and job seekers.

Onboarding to Indeed Start

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Managing an organization

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Managing clients - job seekers who case managers supported

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Reviewing and sharing jobs with clients

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Zigzag line

I shadowed case managers and conducted user testing on the registration flow for Indeed Start, which led to the following 3 priorities for the product roadmap:

  • Refocused landing page for case managers
  • Designed a “My Clients” dashboard for managing clients
  • Redesigned the registration form

My research also drove a brainstorming session with the Indeed Start team and supporting Incubator team members on ways to improve drop off rate in job seeker funnel. Full list of generated ideas.

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Project Details

Notable Research

Case Manager Shadowing

The Team

  • 1 UX - myself
  • 1 Product Manager
  • 1 full-time Engineer
  • 1 to 2 rotating Engineers


4 quarters - This project was developed, launched, and iterated on for almost a year before it was sunset in order for the team to focus on more promising efforts.