Navigating Job Search in a Pandemic
Job Seekers With Barriers Diary Study
Pivoting a Diary Study
What was this?
Job Seekers With Barriers Diary Study was a diary study that I self-initiated and planned for Q1 2020 to inform understanding and direction for the Indeed Social Impact Organization.
Because of timing, it turned into something bigger
Febuary of 2020 I was set to launch a diary study to inform direction for my team and the broader Social Impact Function at Indeed. However, with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and many lower wage workers being impacted by closures of businesses and layoffs, I couldn’t miss the opportunity to be on the frontlines of learning what was actually happening to our users.
I modified my ready to launch diary study and incorporated questions around COVID-19, knowing feedback would be valuable to product teams across Indeed. I focused on releasing early findings to all Indeed product orgs, and I created a company blog of early findings. In the first two days my findings were shared across 6 different Slack Channels and viewed by ~500 Indeedians.
This diary study had rippling effects across the company, informing changes to products outside of my org and was a resource that continued to be used by the Social Impact Function until I left Indeed.
- The Resume Review Team made an operational change to do reviews of resumes with no content.
- Abbey Carlton (Director Social Impact) referenced findings in intro talk for SMB's Inclusive Hiring Week
- Ava Kuhlen (Manager Social Impact) referenced findings in her "An introduction to barriers & bias" presentation.
Project Details
The Team
30 days - study length
1 week - study synthesis